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IMPORTANT: Ombudsmen are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice or answer legal questions.Occasionally, C.A.R. members find themselves embroiled in a dispute with another member.  

Grievances between REALTORS® can include claims of possible ethics violations and communication issues, such as misrepresentation, lying or failure to communicate at all, as well as complaints surrounding cancellation of a contract, listing, or escrow. The C.A.R. Ombudsman Hotline is here to help. C.A.R. Ombudsmen receive and respond to questions and complaints about members; can contact members to inform them that another REALTOR® has raised a question or issue; and can contact members to obtain information necessary to provide an informed response to the person complaining. The Ombudsman's role is primarily one of communication and conciliation, not adjudication. Ombudsmen do not determine whether ethics violations have occurred, rather they anticipate, identify, and resolve misunderstandings and disagreements before matters ripen into more significant disputes.


The C.A.R. Ombudsman Hotline is a free service that C.A.R. offers for its members. If you wish the assistance of a C.A.R. Ombudsman, you may call (213) 739-7227 or email the Ombudsman Hotline at

C.A.R Legal Hotline


Contact Information

All Agents
Phone: (213) 739-8282
Fax: (213) 480-0864

Broker-Owners, Office Managers, Designated REALTORS®
Phone: (213) 739-8350
Fax: (213) 480-0864

Hotline Hours
Calls answered on a first come first serve basis at (213) 739-8282 only. The (213) 739-8350 number is not available on Saturdays (due to limited staffing the Saturday Hotline service is only for questions regarding active transactions).

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Real Estate Today Radio


C.A.R. Housing Matters Podcast
